Environmental Resilience Workshop – “Together Towards a Sustainable Future

The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” – Lady Bird Johnson

In today’s world, it is more important than ever to be aware of the impact we are having on the environment. It is essential that we all take responsibility for our actions and work towards sustainable solutions to mitigate the threats. Unfortunately, many people are still not fully aware of the severity of the situation and the role they can play in making a difference.

Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) Subcommittee is dedicated to igniting a passion for the environment and applying knowledge to drive environmental sustainability. The team aims to act as agents of change, inspiring others to take action toward a greener future. Through events like the upcoming workshop, the YPSL ESG Subcommittee hopes to empower IEEE members with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a positive impact on the environment. 

In collaboration with Thuru and ZeroTrash organizations, ESG Subcommittee of IEEE Young Professionals Sri Lanka is organizing an Environmental Resilience Workshop for volunteers, which focuses on building the capacity of IEEE members to understand and address environmental challenges, such as waste management, home gardening, and climate change. In addition to these educational sessions, the workshop also serves as a tool for facilitating planning, designing, and implementing community-based climate adaptation and mitigation projects similar to Thuru and ZeroTrash. The workshop will take place at the ZeroTrash Collection Centre in Boralesgamuwa on 26th May 2023 from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm. Two experienced trainers and around thirty volunteers are invited.

  • Basic climate change science: Global warming, greenhouse gases, and consequences,
  • Thuru introduction and home gardening hands-on exercise, 
  • ZeroTrash introduction and hands-on exercise on waste generation and how to develop your environmental dream

are the main areas expected to cover in the workshop. By providing participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to take action, the workshop has the potential to inspire and empower individuals to make a real difference in their communities.Participants are required to bring at least 2 kg of recyclables in a reusable bag, as well as their own glass water bottle and pair of gloves for sorting.

As an additional benefit of attending the ‘Environmental Resilience Workshop’, all participants will receive a free vegetable plant or fruit tree from Thuru Store. By providing participants with a plant or tree, Thuru hopes to encourage them to put their new knowledge into practice and start making a positive impact in their own homes and communities. We are grateful for Thuru’s generosity and support of this workshop, and we believe that this added benefit will further inspire participants to take action towards a greener and more sustainable future.

By educating ourselves and taking action, we can all work together towards a greener and more sustainable future.